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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gambling on food prices could be an unhealthy wager

Speculation and scarcity, droughts and floods add up to a crisis.
STOP playing with your food! That's a childhood lesson banks and investors should remember. They have helped create the global food crisis, putting upward pressure on inflation, threatening world peace and toppling governments.
Index funds and commodity providers have provided access to the fast-moving price of food. In the past year, the prices of wheat, corn and coffee have risen beyond 2008 levels. This helped create the volatile component that produced outrage in the streets of Egypt, Libya and elsewhere in the Middle East.
A Credit Suisse analysis found that Egypt spends more on food than other emerging economies - about 40 per cent of individual monthly income, compared with about 17 per cent for Brazilians and about 20 per cent for Chinese and Saudi Arabians. The food crisis also ousted the government in Tunisia and forced the Jordanian king to replace his government.
Certainly wild weather around the world has disrupted agricultural production but there are other forces equally as disturbing. They might point to another financial meltdown.
In recent weeks, some have blamed the food crisis on US Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and his quantitative easing policies. Ever since QE2 was announced in November, commodity prices have surged. Critics say it flooded the world with liquidity, which in turn devalued the dollar and drove institutional investors out of US treasuries and encouraged them to seek higher returns for food commodities.
Speculation has also contributed to the food crisis, an explanation for a situation where a billion people around the world face starvation when one in 10 of the population is obese.
For many years food was regarded as a bad speculative investment because it was perishable. Enter Goldman Sachs in the early 1990s. Recognising that it could make millions from our daily bread, it established the Goldman Sachs Commodities Index that took commodities like coffee, cattle, cocoa and corn and calculated their investment value.
Other investment banks followed and, as a result, there was a significant shift in investment in the first 10 years of this century. Following the equity bear market of 2000-02, commodity futures were identified as a new asset class for institutional investment.
Commodities behave differently from equities and bonds, creating more diversification for a given level of risk. Driving it further were changes in the 1990s, after lobbying by banks, hedge funds and free-market champions in the US and Britain, when regulations on commodity markets were abolished and contracts to buy and sell foods were turned into ''derivatives'' that could be traded by people who knew nothing about agriculture.
Analysts say that assets related to commodity trading index strategies rose from $US13 billion at the end of 2003, to $US260 billion in March 2008.
This is the way it worked. Instead of placing buy and sell orders, the banks tended to "go long" and bought, for example, wheat futures, rolling over contracts. With supply and demand forces, prices go up when supply is low, but in this case, they rose because Goldman Sachs and the banks created artificial demand. From 2006, food prices began rising, culminating in food riots around the world in 2008.
With food and energy emerging as the defining issues of 2011, we can expect further political heat will be generated. Head of the Group of 20, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, has already called for rules to curb commodity volatility.
Still, it's not just the speculators that have driven up food prices. The food crisis is also the product of the recent floods, cyclones and droughts, and scarcities of good land, energy, nutrients, technology and fish, as well as population growth, rising consumer demand and protectionist trade policies.
A confluence of forces has created this crisis and, as a result, there is no silver bullet. It will require global action similar to the kind now being attempted to combat climate change to rectify.
There is another danger. Speculators may well be creating the kind of price spikes and volatility last seen in the US housing bubble. Like other Wall Street quirks, it could end disastrously.
In the meantime, people will continue dying of hunger and governments will tremble. Sarkozy might have a point: the world needs to tackle the root causes of the crisis in Egypt before it takes hold of other nations or causes another crisis.
