taly was the biggest purchaser of Cameroon's 2009-2010 robusta harvest buying 25% of the crop and topping a list of 21 nations that bought coffee last season, a report released Monday by commodity watchdog, the National Cocoa and Coffee Board, said.
"Through its port of Trieste, Italy was recorded as the main destination of our robusta coffee exports in the 2009-2010 season," said the report, which had Belgium as the second largest importer, buying 13% of Cameroon's robusta.
Next in descending order were Tunisia, Portugal and Germany.
Cameroon produced 46,083 metric tons of robusta in the season, up from 30,044 tons in the 2008-2009 season.
The West African country exported 44,966 metric tons of robusta in 2009-2010, up from 29,350 tons shipped out in the last season.
The report comes less than a week after Cameroon's minister of trade Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana opened the 2010-2011 coffee season. The robusta coffee season in Cameroon officially runs from December of each year through November of the next year.
source : http://coffeeasean.org/details.asp?Object=5&news_ID=22283784